Sandee Blankenship

Sandee Blankenship, Director of School-Based Programs

  • Sandee Blankenship

    Sandee Blankenship is the current Director of School-Based Programs. She has served on the school leadership team since the school opened in 2012. As a TAP Master Teacher, Mrs. Blankenship led weekly professional development sessions, evaluated teachers and developed the school academic plan for each year. Mrs. Blankenship was also integral in writing the Zest Quest health and wellness curriculum which was approved by the USDA as a SNAP Ed curriculum.

    Mrs. Blankenship holds a master’s degree from Clemson University in Youth Development Leadership. Mrs. Blankenship is a CrossFit Level I Instructor, holds a CrossFit Kids certificate and is the founder of CrossFit YLA. She started in education in January 2005.

    Mrs. Blankenship and her husband Tommy have three daughters: Charlee, Sami and Joey. Together they serve as part-time youth ministers at their church. They enjoy family activities including CrossFit, soccer, and tennis.